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Select Board Meeting Minutes 3/7/16
Monterey Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 3/7/16

Meeting Opened at: 8:30am
Select Board Members Present: Scott Jenssen, Chairperson, Kenn Basler and Steve Weisz

Also in attendance for parts of the meeting:  Stephen Moore for the Monterey News, Roy Carwile, Shawn Tryon, Kevin Fitzpatrick, Paul Rapp, Mark Makuc, Adam Chait, Bob Lazzarini, Muriel Lazzarini, Chief Backhaus, Stanley Ross, Donald Clawson, Travis Derby and Barbara Gauthier

The board met with Director of Operations/Fire Chief, Shawn Tryon to review the following:
1.  Shawn brought in a draft proposed lease of the firehouse for a total of $47,000/year ($30k of which will only be for a specified term).  This will be sent to counsel for review.  The firemen have opted to give up their education and training compensation (training and education will still continue) however those funds will be moved toward the utilities and rental of the facilities.  The total requested fire dept budget is $139,700.  An article regarding the fire department expenses will also be written for the April Monterey News.
2.  Operating expense issues: Shawn is working with the Accountant and M. Noe to fix items that were accidentally charged to fire expenses when they should have been charged to other lines or special articles.  There is a charge for the building’s insurance which fell through the cracks and will cause the insurance line item to go over.
3.  Boat: The Fire Department will be requesting the purchase of a boat be placed on the warrant for annual town meeting (approximately $17k).  The Board did not feel that this was the year to request this considering engine 1 needs to be replaced; but instructed Shawn to submit his proposal to the Finance Committee.
4.  The dam design proposal for behind the library should be in next week.
5.  Transfer Station has been put out to bid; opening will be on March 28.
6.  Tree cutting on RT 23; Shawn intends to detour traffic down Corashire Rd. while cutting, notice will be sent out through the email announcements.

The board met with Chief of Police, Gareth Backhaus to review the following:
1.  The Board interviewed Travis Derby for a part-time officer position.  A motion was made to appoint Travis Derby for a 3 month probationary period based on the Chief’s recommendation.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
2.  Weekly report was reviewed.

Miscellaneous Select Board Items Reviewed:
1.  The Board met with Adam Chait of Fiber Connect to review his proposals for an aerial build for the Town of Monterey for internet and phone.
a.  Not included in the proposal are estimates for necessary Police details or the location/structure of the hut.
b.  Make ready can take 6 – 8 months and Fiber Connect could start building immediately after.  Estimate to be up and running would be 18-24 months.
2.  Steve reported on his meeting in New Marlborough regarding fiber.  Frontier Communications is very interested in building out in MA.  Steve suggested that we should look at all options available before deciding on a company.  It was also suggested that a Consultant be hired to represent Monterey in this decision making process as well as a local committee be formed.
3.  The board met with the Finance Committee to review the following with regards to the proposed FY17 budget:
a.  Letter received from Maynard Forbes regarding hiring a grant writer as well as raises for employees.
b.  Kenn brought up that he wants to add a line item to add a Town Administrator.  He proposed a part time position (20 – 25 hours/week) at $35,000 plus benefits ($22,322) for a total of $57,322 and requested a second on his motion.  Discussion ensued.  Scott thought the salary was too low and was also concerned about adding another line item this year.  Steve disagreed and felt the salary was an unnecessary expense at this time.  The Finance Committee was not concerned and agreed it should be added.  It was unanimously agreed by the Board and Finance Committee that the best candidate would be someone that does not live in Monterey.  The motion to add it to the FY17 budget passed 2 – 1 with Steve not in favor.
c.  Transfer Station: The Board will be reviewing all the fees in the coming months.
d.  Kenn suggested to level fund the Highway budget as it appears that over the last few years there have been excess funds.  Don disagreed.  Discussion will continue next week.
e.  Kenn noted that there may be situations in the near future where two offices may have major changes and he’s concerned about having the ability to provide help if necessary and suggested raising the temporary employee line item to more than $2,000.  Discussion will continue on this next week.
f.  Line 146 Tax Collector Salary has increased dramatically as the fees she collects will now be a part of her salary rather than collecting these separately.  It was agreed that the same thing should be done with the Clerk’s office and the fees she collects but the Board anticipates there will be pushback.  Scott will speak with Jen.
g.  Discussion was reopened about whether or not the monies for street list census should be combined into the Town Clerk’s salary as was decided a few weeks ago.  Since this job can be done by anyone the Town Clerk appoints it was agreed to keep the lines separate.
h.  The Board questioned the Finance Committee on the difference requested and the amount transferred for fuel from the Police expenses (there was a difference of approximately $4,000).  Don didn’t feel it was an issue and should be left alone.
i.  It was agreed that a discussion needs to take place on how the town will pay for the requested fire truck (borrow, use stabilization or a combination of both).
j.  Discussion ensued about how much will be needed for an override.  Everyone is in agreement that the budget will continue to rise each year and there isn’t anything you can do about it.  New equipment will always be needed as will qualified people to run them and the offices.
k.  Discussion ensued about hiring a secretary for the Director of Operations.  It was agreed that rather than hiring an additional person reallocating M. Noe’s hours and what building she works from should be looked at as well as possibly additional compensation if it is determined to use her.  Shawn will come up with the duties to be performed and how many hours are necessary.
l.  The line item for town offices (196) will be increased by $4,000.
m.  Discussions began about raises for the employees, Don recused himself.  It was suggested to add a 2% COLA across the Board to all employees and elected officials (it was also noted that this is a cost of living increase not performance based).  It was agreed that in the future that the employees should not be the last discussion had it should be the first.
n.  The Board discussed the proposed SBRSD budget and the fact that they feel the school isn’t willing to look at cutting administrative positions to lower the budget even though our district has the highest administrative to student and administrative to teacher ratio than any other district in the area; the school would prefer to cut programs.
o.  Next week’s meeting will be dedicated solely to working on the budget.
4.  David Hastings pointed out via email that the February 24, 2016 minutes incorrectly stated that he will be retiring in November of 2016.  Superintendent Hastings will work through June 2017.
5.  Warrants were signed.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 12pm

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

cc: Website (
Select Board Members
Minutes Book
Town Clerk

Documents received at this meeting:
  • FireCodraftagreement
  • FiberConnectproposal
  • MForbesltr
These are attached to the hard copy of the minutes located at town hall.